Do you feel called to close a chapter and start a new one?

It could be a chapter in any area of your life that you want to complete: love, health, purpose, home, wealth, spiritual fulfillment, relationships… you chose.

If you are feeling this, it is a clear sign that your soul is calling you home. It could be an inkling or a loud call to transmute your shadows and expand your Divine expression.

How does it feel to know that a new, beautiful chapter is awaiting you?

There is no need to fear the unknown when you live in complete trust in the Universe. And I mean full trust, not a combination of trust and fear.

When you follow the guidance of your soul, the only possible outcome is one full of possibility, wonder, magic, and excitement.

There is a Divine formula my dear, to turn the page without dragging old energies into what you want to create anew.

You must…

  1. Complete your incompletions.
  2. Let go of to-do lists and old weight or unfinished business.
        And then you can…
  3. Honor what you want to make sacred in the coming year.

Every end of the year I give my clients a journaling exercise that I continue to use myself.

It is a sacred practice to go deeper into your soul.

To connect with your Goddess Self so that you can

Remember who you really are


Why you are here at this time.

Here is an abbreviated version:

Journal about…

❤️ Who you have become.
🧡 What you want to celebrate.
💛 What you are grateful for.
💜 What you want to be complete with and let the rest go. Empty your slate to start fresh.
🤍 Define and create your new chapter in complete trust and faith.

New Year’s resolutions are a trap of the ego. 

On the December Solstice, the light started to take over the dark; use this energy to support you in journaling into a new consciousness where you…

Remember your Magic 


Reclaim the power of your sacred memory.

Because something expansive and deeply meaningful keeps calling you year after year, after year!!!!

A higher purpose far BEYOND your existing business, career, or accomplishments.
A joyous life so much BIGGER than the one you already created.

Your medicine is so needed.

I leave you with a powerful invocation to call the Goddess within to support you in this sacred practice.


Unlock your legacy work in joy, freedom and prosperity.

Shed your old identity that has kept you stuck in an outdated model and embark on a majestic spiritual journey to fully embrace your SACRED FEMININE POWER.

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