Samadhi Set

$450.00$750.00 or subscribe and save up to 20%

Set price $450 ($600 value)
Get the Brain Balance Elixir for FREE ($150 Value)
Save up to an additional 20% with subscription!

Elixir Sets enhance the qualities of each individual elixir. It’s the difference between listening to the violin and then the harp, versus a symphony. 



  • Before your daily yoga or meditation practice
  • Spiritual retreats and workshops
  • Yoga and meditation classes
  • Yoga teacher trainings and workshops
  • Vipassana retreats


  • When applying the Science of Yoga in its true essence, yoga means unity, it is the vehicle by which one can achieve union with the Divine. 
  • The asanas were designed to acclimatize the body to be able to sit in meditation longer and hold the concentration without the distraction of physical pain. 
  • Longer and deeper meditation, a pain free body and a still mind are the key components to enlightenment.


Zone Lock
Take your yoga practice to the next level.

Get into new or seasoned poses with grace and ease.

Drop your natural tendencies to be defensive and on guard.

Be calm, relaxed & centered, let others see and feel that place of calm & clear.

Be present, open hearted and enjoy the moment.

Free yourself of the emotions that bring on the mind chatter.

Bliss also creates a natural state of ecstasy that allows you to attain greater depth in meditation.

Brain Balance Elixir FREE ($150 Value)
Sync left and right hemisphere of the brain to:

  • Amplify your mental focus and clarity. 
  • Reduce mind chatter
  • Become present
  • Achieve a blissful state of Samadhi 

Transition Elixir (Add On Now and Save)
Are you going through or want change in your life but are scared of the unknown?

The Transition elixir is designed to create grace and ease in your journey through personal and world changes.

It is an exceptional elixir to release attachments and instill peace and harmony no matter what changes are taking place around you.

Enigma Elixir (Add On Now and Save)
Are you interested in accelerating your spiritual evolution, intuitive abilities or self awareness?

The Enigma Elixir is designed to:

  • Activate 144 strands of DNA
  • Access a higher state of consciousness
  • Accelerate your spiritual evolution
  • Activate the higher chakras (8-12)
  • Activate soul ray attunement
  • Access higher intuitive sense
  • Nurture prolific psychic ability
  • Facilitate lucid awakening
  • Resolve karmic bonds

It’s the perfect addition to the Samadhi set and can be used for:

  • Meditation and journaling
  • Shamanic journeying
  • Channeling
  • Spiritual retreats and workshops
  • Enhancing sensory and spiritual experience when in nature


*Upon purchase, you will receive detailed instructions for applications that increase the efficacy of your elixir.


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“I am able to go deeper into my meditations and my work life is filled with grace and ease”

“While using Serenity & Bliss I have found I am able to go deeper into my meditations for guidance & healing. I feel rested, calm & many times I have received answers to dilemmas in my life that would have continued down the hard path to resolve instead of the path of least resistance. I have recently added Transition and found my work life is filled with much more grace and ease.”

Rebecca, CA


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