Money Magnet

$175.00 or subscribe and save up to 20%

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The Money Magnet elixir is designed to: 

  • Awaken your bountiful abundance.
  • Deactivate genetic information that may be a powerful driving force behind poverty consciousness.
  • Transmute lack into opportunities for wealth and prosperity. The Universe is ready to supply when you align with your purpose and recognize your worth.


  • Successful sales
  • Raising Capital
  • Client Acquisition
  • Asking for a raise (in combination with Karisma)

#1 Muladhara – Root: Center of grounding, safety and security 

*Upon purchase, you will receive detailed instructions for applications that increase the efficacy of your elixir.

30ml / 1 fl oz

Choose a purchase option



“I raised $1.5 Million. I don’t go anywhere without the elixir sprays”

“I’d been trying to raise capital for over 18 months. My Business Associate sprayed me with a couple of elixir sprays, Power and Money Magnet. Being the skeptic, I chuckled and said “Wouldn’t it be nice if that really worked”. A couple hours later I got an unexpected call from a 3rd party interested in my project. I met with him that same day and to my amazement he was willing to fund my entire 1st round of $ 1.5 million! Did the elixirs work? All I know is that I don’t go anywhere without them now.“

David, NV

“I got a free night stay with Money Magnet”

“I was at a conference, used my credit card to check in, later the hotel called to say they were having trouble with my card, and couldn’t guarantee my stay for the weekend. I was pulled from my conference very upset, decided now was the time to use the Money Set. Once I got to the desk I was calm and was able to point out their error. Then the manager gave me a free night stay!! Now that is being a Money Magnet!”

Melissa, FL

“Finding money everywhere”

“I am 16, I used my dad’s money magnet, all day long I found money, first my old jeans, floor in the car, gym locker, and when I got home my mom gave me money for nothing!”

Josh, TX

“I began using the elixirs and magic started happening, so I have all of them. I feel peaceful, empowered, I attract people everywhere I go and have been attracting money. I can’t live without them.”

“I discovered the elixirs 2 months ago and it was incredible. I began using them and magic started happening, so I have all of them. I feel peaceful, empowered, I attract people everywhere I go and have been attracting money. I feel I am now standing in my power. It’s an amazing product, it’s easy, simple to use and you can use them anywhere. I spray myself before I do a conference, a book signing and for my own wellbeing. It’s just incredible, I can’t live without them.”

Michelle Karen, Astrologer and Author of Astrology for Enlightenment


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