Romance & Intimacy Set

$450.00$570.00 or subscribe and save up to 20%

Set price $450 ($600 value)
Get the Power Elixir for FREE ($150 Value)
Save up to an additional 20% with subscription!

Elixir Sets enhance the qualities of each individual elixir. It’s the difference between listening to the violin and then the harp, versus a symphony.



  • Before a date or event 
  • New relationships
  • Anxiety to end the current relationship
  • Time to start dating a higher quality of person
  • Bring back the passion and fire to your current relationship
  • Feel comfortable being approached and approaching people


Tap into your innate sense of charm, activate your most desirable and attractive qualities.

Drop your natural tendencies to be on guard or on defense.

Be calm, relaxed & centered, let others see and feel that place of calm & clear.

Be present, open hearted and enjoy the moment.

Bliss is the sensual activation for women…realize the depth of your sexual expression free of the emotions that bring on the mind chatter.

Enjoy being fully present with your partner.

Power Elixir FREE ($150 Value)
The Power Elixir will help you fully project an undeniable sense of confidence and self esteem. Get rapport with ease.

Transition Elixir (Add On Now and Save)
Are you shy?

Adding on the Transition elixir will help you transition into feeling comfortable being approached and approaching people.

Transitioning from one relationship to the next?

The Transition Elixir is the perfect blend of grace and ease


*Upon purchase, you will receive detailed instructions for applications that increase the efficacy of your elixir.

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“I used to attract all the wrong types of men. Thanks to the Romance Set I’ve been dating a wonderful caring guy for a year.”

“I used to attract all the wrong types of men, abusive and controlling. I took The Goddess & The Alchemist challenge and used the Romance Set for 30 days everyday. I started noticing big changes in the men that were noticing me. I met a wonderful caring guy and we have been dating for almost
a year now and we both use your elixirs!”

Cary & Deb, CA

“I finally put an end to my issues with shutting my mind off to get into that romantic mood”

“We have been married for over 10 years, our relationship needed a lift. We bought your Intimacy Romance Set and wow what a lift we got! I have always had issues with shutting my mind off to get into that romantic mood so I used the Bliss elixir and it was amazing. I have never experienced moments like that before and according to my husband, he hasn’t either. It was like we were in each other’s mind, our “body communication” was great!”

Zeva & Rick , WA

“Used your elixirs, went out to a club, actually had women approach ME!! “
Paul , CA

“I connected with someone very special shortly after being sprayed”

“I got sprayed with Romance because I thought I needed some more in my life. Little did I know the power in these bottles and had I known I would have been clearer about my intention. However, I had a very special experience. I connected with someone very special shortly after being sprayed and had an amazing experience.

The following day I got sprayed with Bliss and got to experience connecting with someone else, but also my energy, everything around me felt blissful and everyone could feel that. People were approaching me and life felt really fun and I know a lot of it had to do with the energies of the elixirs.

Then I was completely sold on the elixirs and added Power to my collection because I wanted to end a relationship because I have had a hard time doing that in the past. I got very clear on what I needed and what I wanted. It was amazing, effortless and turned out better than I could have imagined. I know a lot of it had to do with utilizing the energy of the elixirs. I love them and can’t wait to see what else I can create while using them.”

Arly, California


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