
$150.00 or subscribe and save up to 20%

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The Transition elixir is designed to:

  • Create grace and ease in your journey through personal and current world changes
  • Release attachments of how you think things should be or look like
  • Instill peace and harmony no matter what changes are taking place around you
  • Accelerate your spiritual evolution and consciousness
  • Amplify a greater sense of self awareness
  • Create a greater sense of purpose


  • Major Life Changes (marriage, divorce, pregnancy, death, career change, job loss, retirement, bankruptcy, etc) 
  • Gracefully navigating fear of the unknown
  • Minimizing the stress and pain that go along with resistance to change.
  • Being in the flow

#4 Anahata – Heart: Center of Divine love and compassion
#7 Sahasrara – Crown: Center for Divine connection and higher states of consciousness

*Upon purchase, you will receive detailed instructions for applications that increase the efficacy of your elixir.

30ml / 1 fl oz

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“From depressed and lost due to lack of life purpose to doors opening with new possibilities”

“Realizing I wasn’t doing my life’s work and not knowing what direction to turn in left me feeling depressed & lost. I was referred to The Goddess & The Alchemist by an energy healer with the suggestion to use Transition, I did and WOW has life changed for me. Before I felt as if all the doors were closed with no handles to open them, now the doors are opening with new possibilities. I have the true sense of freedom that I haven’t felt in a long time. I am back to funding my retirement instead of draining it.”

Mary, Spiritual Healer, AZ

“I was living in fear after losing my husband, now my fears have turned into excitement for my new life.”

“After losing my husband of 40yrs and also finding my life was all about him, I found myself ready to recreate ME. I was living my days in so much fear that I wouldn’t leave my home or even see my family. That was when a friend sent me the Crisis Survival Set. I began slowly as was suggested and a couple weeks later I began writing a book, taking a couple of classes and planning a future for myself! My fears have turned into excitement for my new life.”

Marjorie, NY

“After my divorce I can look at moving forward without all that fear controlling me.”

“My first experience with your elixirs was during my divorce. I purchased Serenity and found my temper was calmed, then I purchased the entire Crisis Survival Set and found the blend to be perfect for my rising fear of being alone, to the transitions of my new life. With the Crisis Survival Set I can look at moving forward without all that fear controlling me.”

Carrie, NJ


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