Did you know that most people are only using about 5-10% of their true potential? 
It’s true, even for the most successful among us!

And it’s part of why everybody wants more time and less work… but the truth is, it’s not about either of those things, it’s about being more effective
So how can you do less, earn more, and change the world? 
My answer may surprise you… 
It does not lay outside of you, in the perfect business strategy or the latest trend… but rather inside of you.
Every visionary, mystic, inventor, and innovator who ever truly changed the world did so because they were able to access their limitless potential
(Einstein didn’t think of the theory of relativity… he downloaded it!)
The blueprint for your next upgrade is encoded in your spiritual DNA, and I’m here to help you unlock it…
That’s why I’m opening a handful of slots for private VIP Days!
You’ll join me at my home in beautiful Sedona, the land of sacred vortexes, where you’ll even have a chance to step into the Ascension Chamber built by my partner, an inventor, designed based on a download he received. 
This sacred space is also where I experienced an incredible out-of-body experience where I received guidance on how to activate the 12 strands of spiritual DNA of the women I work with… a process that I’ll also lead you through so that you can access your full potential!
Your VIP Day is completely customized to you so that you can make what I call an Elegant Quantum Leap.
Yes. this is your chance to increase your worth, while being aligned with your purpose… 
And beyond the money, it’s about who you become in the process… 
The powerfulalluringmagnetic goddess who radiates confidence and effortlessly attracts abundance in finances, relationships, joy, and pleasure.
Now, I must say that this experience is not for everyone
Unless you are fully committed to stepping up your game and willing to do whatever it takes to achieve your fulfillment and joy, then this is not for you because it really propels quantum shifts in life and in business. (So much so that when I activated my spiritual DNA, I knew I had to change my name!)
However, if you’re curious about who you really are and want to activate your true potential, then now is your time. 
Ready to know why you are really here and what you are supposed to be doing next?
Before I go, here are a few words from a past client about what it’s like to work together: 
“I’ve always loved personal development, but no matter how much content I received, there was always a part of me wondering if there was more. Solara’s guidance is that and MORE. The level of fulfillment, freedom, peace, and joy that I am now experiencing is beyond what I imagined was ever possible.”


Unlock your legacy work in joy, freedom and prosperity.

Shed your old identity that has kept you stuck in an outdated model and embark on a majestic spiritual journey to fully embrace your SACRED FEMININE POWER.

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