I don’t know about you, but the full moon has surely been affecting me, bringing up old patterns that I am so ready to be done with. So, when I meditated today, I asked for help so that we may all clear our patterns.

Patterns that cause you:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Anxiety
  • Feeling unworthy and not enough
  • Being stingy
  • Being inflexible

And mostly cause you to …

Withhold love.

These are very low vibrational states that cut off your flow, your joy, your prosperity and your peace.

I’ve seen these patterns for years in my clients. Clients that worked with the best coaches in the industry, they’ve gone on spiritual retreats, they’ve done therapy and the mindset work. And somehow, something is still missing for them. What they are craving is a type of success that is measured beyond the 3D matrix.

Let me tell you the story of a client to illustrate this.

Kayla came to me wanting so much more in her life. She was tired of working so hard and getting underpaid for her outstanding expertise.

Within eight months she had a CEO position that tripled her pay!!!! Yes, you heard that right. And there’s more…

She started hosting two podcasts, had regular global speaking gigs, and created a highly respected personal brand. She was working less, finally doing what she loved and getting paid more!!!

And this is how she topped it off, she said:

“I have moved across the country where my family and I are enjoying a significantly richer and more joyous life. Emotionally I am at peace and grounded, not allowing the stories of others to distract me or bring me down. At long last I am living my life unapologetically on my terms and loving every minute (yes even the tricky parts as I now knowhow to alchemize into positive outcomes).”

Kayla’s transformation brought tears to my eyes on numerous occasions. Her success in the more intangible elements of…time for herself and her family, time for joy and love was the deeper success she was really looking for.

In other words, she had success in becoming her Divine Self, her true self, without holding back anything of what she came to share with the world.

So how do you get closer to becoming your Divine Self like she did?

Your Divine self is non-judgmental and doesn’t complain. That is how she is able to:

  • Stop suffering (because she sees perfection in every situation)
  • Love Unconditionally (because she has so much love inside of herself)
  • Live in prosperity (because she doesn’t hold back)
  • Live according to her purpose (because she listens to her intuition and acts accordingly)
  • Draw so much goodness and greatness into her that she feels compelled to share with the world

I’m going to suggest a very powerful practice for you.

This is a 21 day practice. Repeat daily or multiple times a day the following invocation:

The practice will be as powerful as you make it be, by reminding yourself throughout the day of who you really want to be.

Find your peace and your ultimate success. Stop making people wrong, stop trying to change them. Let them be who they are so you can be who you are.

It is when you are being your Divine Self that you magnetize love, joy, peace and abundance into your life.

If you received any wisdom or insight from this transmission, be generous and share it with someone who needs it.


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