There’s so much talk about tuning into the Divine Feminine as the source of power and creative expression for women.

And while this is extremely important, the truth is that…

There is no point in having a powerful feminine with unique values
and a strong creative force, without an equally strong masculine
that is able to act on those values, ideas and goals, regardless
of what others may think.


The Divine Masculine has the purpose of protection, discernment, a deep sense of safety, even, and especially, in the most uncomfortable situations…

Situations that typically arise when the Feminine is in full force, creating all that she is meant to create.

When there is damage to the inner masculine, or it is not growing in tandem with the feminine, it is difficult to…

  • Stand in your truth
  • Honor your values
  • Express your uniqueness
  • Hold your boundaries
All of this without feeling as if you must struggle, fight or defend.

On the other hand, when the inner masculine is vibrating high, you have the strength and determination to hold yourself safe through ANYTHING.

As your inner feminine grows, and you feel her desire to express her purpose and uniqueness in a bold new way, your inner masculine needs to keep up with her.
Your Divine Masculine needs to grow in self-belief, self-worth, self-confidence.

That energy will power you to take action and allow the beautiful Feminine to truly blossom in complete surrender because she is feeling completely safe and secure.

Then, you can live in complete freedom, knowing exactly who you are, being a vehicle of Divine expression and loving every step of the way!

That is the Sacred Balance of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within.

Much love,


Unlock your legacy work in joy, freedom and prosperity.

Shed your old identity that has kept you stuck in an outdated model and embark on a majestic spiritual journey to fully embrace your SACRED FEMININE POWER.

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