Happy Summer Solstice!!

Tomorrow we are blessed with a very powerful gateway of Sacred Balance of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine.

Have you noticed how more and more women are being called to honor and teach about the Divine Feminine?

We are indeed living a time like never before, where it is starting to be safe to live by the Ways of the Sacred Feminine:

  • Listening to our intuition
  • Getting paid well for our psychic and healing abilities 
  • Expressing our beauty safely 
  • Walking our life in reverence with All That Is

And while this is all extremely important, the truth is that we still have a long way to go because…

There is no point in having a powerful Feminine with unique values without an equally strong inner Divine Masculine that is able to act on those values, ideas and goals, regardless of what others may think.

The Divine Masculine has the purpose of protection, discernment, a deep sense of safety, even, and especially, in the most uncomfortable situations.

On this Solstice, the balance of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine is stronger than ever and it is here to stay and hold YOU and the Divine Feminine in your blossomings.

Following is a Summer Solstice Ritual to utilize these sacred energies and empower you to:

  • Stand in your truth
  • Honor your values
  • Express your uniqueness
  • Hold your boundaries

Note: Years ago I felt I didn’t have time to do ceremonies because I was too “busy.” As my priorities and devotion to the Divine shifted, I have had countless experiences to prove that taking the time for ceremony and ritual amplifies intentions exponentially.

You get to choose – you can do the whole ceremony below or do an abbreviated version with just the invocation.


1. Prepare Your Space 

Ideally you will do this outdoors. If that’s not an option, you can do it at your altar. Dust things off, remove what is no longer needed.

 Get your sage ready, your journal and pen and your four elements (see below).

2. Cleanse Your Space and Yourself 

Use sage to clear any energies in the room (if indoors) and then to clear your auric field.

3. Create Sacred Space with the 4 Elements

Bring in the 4 Elements:

– Water in the South
– Fire in the West (you can use a candle)
– Earth in the East (you can use any crystal. I love moonstone for this, as it is the “Goddess Stone.” It is cleansing, uplifting and vibrates Divine Feminine wisdom).
– Air in the North (incense or a feather) 

4. Invite in the Divine

Call in the 4 Directions, your guides, your Higher Self, whatever feels best in the moment.

5. Set your Intention: Restore Balance between your inner Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine

Set your intention and then journal a conversation with your Higher Self with some timely questions:

– Where have I fallen into victim instead of being fully empowered?
– With whom do I need to speak my truth?
– Which boundaries do I need to make stronger?
– What do I need to do or who do I need to be to restore balance for my inner Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine?

6. Honor Your Inner Strength 

Take a moment to honor the strength you already hold, honor your accomplishments, your growth and expansion.

Consciously shift any lack mindset into a wildly abundance mindset. 

7. Bloom Your Soul Empowerment

After restoring balance and strength you are now ready to receive Illuminated Empowerment.

Journal about the following:
How can I bring more empowerment for myself and those around me? (make a list if necessary) 

8. Infuse Your Soul Empowerment with Love, Light and Gratitude

Read your Empowerment Statement(s) out loud and say thank you with great joy and excitement, as if it is already here, as if it is already done.

9. Close with an Invocation to Bless Your Inner Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine with the Light: 

    10. Spread your Seeds of Balance and Empowerment as a gift to others

    Get creative with this. I find that putting my intentions into the water is a very powerful way of spreading energetic seeds so that they travel around the planet.

    I leave you with a snapshot of my ceremony to spread the Seeds of Balance of the Divine Feminine and Masculine on the planet:


    Unlock your legacy work in joy, freedom and prosperity.

    Shed your old identity that has kept you stuck in an outdated model and embark on a majestic spiritual journey to fully embrace your SACRED FEMININE POWER.

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