Cloak & Shield

$175.00 or subscribe and save up to 20%

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The Cloak & Shield elixir is designed to:

  • Cloak you from psychic attacks 
  • Cloak you from invasive negative energies
  • Cloak you from negative thought forms
  • Shield you from EMF, Wireless Technology
  • Reduce sensitivity to natural distortions of Solar, Cosmic and Earth energies
  • Reestablish neurological coherence

PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS – Turn on an invisible shield of protection

  • Energetically cloak yourself, your family, and pets.
  • Reduce sensitivity to EMF and intense Solar Activity.
  • Great before a healing session (both for the practitioner and client) 
  • Great before a business meeting
  • Before an important conversation
  • Minimize susceptibility to emotional highs and lows
  • Become invisible to energy vampires
  • Reduce incidences of getting triggered by others
  • In or visiting a hospital or a crowded public place

#1 Muladhara – Root: Center of grounding, safety and security
#2 Swadhisthana – Sacral: Center of sexual and creative energy
#3 Manipura – Solar Plexus: Center of Will and Personal Power
#4 Anahata – Heart: Center of Divine love and compassion
#5 Vishuddha – Throat: Center of Truth, Communication and Self Expression
#6 Ajna- Third Eye: Center of Intuition and Psychic Abilities
#7 Sahasrara – Crown: Center for Divine Connection and higher states of consciousness

*Upon purchase, you will receive detailed instructions for applications that increase the efficacy of your elixir.

30ml / 1 fl oz

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“Everything around me felt blissful and everyone could feel that”

“I got sprayed with Romance because I thought I needed some more in my life. Little did I know the power in these bottles and had I known I would have been clearer about my intention. However, I had a very special experience. I connected with someone very special shortly after being sprayed and had an amazing experience.

The following day I got sprayed with Bliss and got to experience connecting with someone else, but also my energy, everything around me felt blissful and everyone could feel that. People were approaching me and life felt really fun and I know a lot of it had to do with the energies of the elixirs.

Then I was completely sold on the elixirs and added Power to my collection because I wanted to end a relationship because I have had a hard time doing that in the past. I got very clear on what I needed and what I wanted. It was amazing, effortless and turned out better than I could have imagined. I know a lot of it had to do with utilizing the energy of the elixirs. I love them and can’t wait to see what else I can create while using them.”

Arly, California

“Bliss is my all-time favorite”

“I started using Bliss when I first met Ed and it has become the go-to elixir throughout the day. It keeps me in a high vibration with a positive outlook and love for life attitude. The best part is that energy is contagious!”



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