It’s time to free yourself from the energy of masculine betrayal.

If you have felt betrayed by a romantic partner, a father, grandfather, brother, cousin, business partner, you will greatly benefit!!

This theme came up in conversations with clients and women in the last week:

  • A woman with a father who was not involved in her life.
  • A woman in a 20 year old marriage who was caught by surprise when her husband asked for a divorce.
  • A woman who for the 1st time had a memory of being molested by a cousin as a young girl.
  • A woman that can’t seem to get out of an unhealthy codependent relationship.
  • A woman who just can’t seem to find her soul mate.

This issue has also been part of my healing path to bring my body into wholeness after I received a breast cancer diagnosis last year.

Obviously the Divine Feminine is calling us to tend to these wounds.

Let’s begin by taking an honest look at the downside of staying in betrayal energy:

  • You remain a victim, so you….
    • Can’t seem to get out of these type of relationships.
    • Continue to attract harmful relationships over and over again.
  • You feel powerless because something was “taken away from you.”
  • You are energetically tied into an old paradigm of patriarchy that will continue to perpetuate in your lineage, affecting your daughters and granddaughters.
  • What you don’t resolve on an emotional level will eventually show up as a “disease” in your physical body.

🌟Do you see how important this work is?

You may be thinking….

“But I’ve already done the work!“
“I’ve done therapy, coaching, spiritual clearings, you name it!”

I know it, and I get it. I felt the same way.

However, if this is still triggering you or showing up in your life that is a clear sign that it has not been resolved.

And I have super good news for you!!!

New pathways are being cleared for the Divine Feminine to have a stronger hold in her presence on the planet.

I saw those pathways being cleared just this last weekend as my guides were showing me and having me participate in the process.

The tumor in my breast has unveiled that this healing is not just for me…
This healing is for the whole of the Feminine.

My journey is being guided by a Council of the Keepers of the Sacred Feminine who are healing me and teaching me how to heal in a completely new way.

I’ve been having many encounters with these exquisite Ascended Lady Masters and the experiences are otherworldly, beyond what our limited language can describe.

All I can say is that the blissfulness of love, tender holding, compassion, kindness and wisdom is beyond our human experience.

What this means for you is that you have extra help right now to clear this betrayal beyond the limits of traditional therapy, coaching and even spiritual work!!!

I want to gift you with a very powerful invocation to do as much of this work as you can do on your own so that you can begin to…

Heal yourself and claim healthy, harmonious and loving relationships with Men.

Following is a spiritually encoded invocation that will raise your vibration and accelerate your healing & transformation by the powers of Divine Love and Light.

*Do this invocation daily and with love and devotion. 
*The more often you do it, the more you will purify. 
*You can make it part of your sacred morning practice, at times of difficulty or as a candle lit ceremony.

Please forward this blog to other women who are dealing with these challenges.

Every sacred woman that works on her personal healing is helping restore the balance of the Divine Feminine and Masculine energies on the planet.

✨We need you and this needs to happen NOW!✨

As we do our spiritual work together we will move into higher and finer vibrations that open the gateways to live magical lives of love, harmony, prosperity and peace.

I’d love to hear your insights as you do this spiritual practice.

Much love,

 Solara and The Keepers of The Sacred Feminine


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