How often do you “push through” even when your body is saying no? It’s a trap I see so many high-earning women fall into, and even though I teach my clients to follow their feminine flow… it’s a trap I didn’t escape either.
Yesterday I told you a little more about the symptoms of my traumatic brain injury that took me down this past year. If you missed that, check your inbox for an email from me.
I still remember the morning I woke up feeling horrible, and I couldn’t even read or put a sentence together. Something was really wrong.
I pushed through anyway because I was worried about deadlines, appointments, projects, and team members to manage… (Maybe you can relate?)
But my body was saying, “If you won’t stop, I’m taking you down.”
Then, I was amazed when I found out that all the trauma from my TBI was in the left side of my brain – also known as the masculine, analytical, decision-making side.
Talk about a message from the Universe about shifting back into feminine flow!
I was forced to stop everything… after so long in a state of doing too much and getting sucked into comparison mode, my brain simply wouldn’t allow me to stay in the masculine paradigm hustling, forcing, and grinding.
So many of us have learned to quiet our Divine Feminine just to function in a traditional masculine world… which only leads to shame, insecurity, burnout cycles, a mistrust of intuition, and a never-ending search for external validation.
But when we follow our feminine energy, choosing desire, flow, and intuition over chasing outside metrics of success, that’s when we truly start to experience our soul’s unique magic.
So let me ask you this:
Can you stop when your body asks you to?